Guide with Sample Essays
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Introduction to WritePlacer
assesses the writing skills of new college students. Test scores help
colleges determine whether a student is ready for college-level coursework or would
benet from developmental instruction before taking credit-bearing courses.
Students taking WritePlacer are presented with a prompt and asked to write an essay of
approximately 300 to 600 words. A prompt consists of a short passage. Following the
passage is an assignment that requires the student to focus on the issue addressed in
the passage.
WritePlacer prompts are carefully designed to allow the student to respond quickly and
in a variety of ways. They are free of technical or specic literary references and don’t
require specialized knowledge. The prompts are designed to stimulate critical thinking
and are relevant to any number of elds and interests. Students will be asked to draw
on a broad range of experiences, learning, and ideas to support their point of view on
the issue in question. Scores on WritePlacer range from 1 to 8. Essays shorter than the
recommended minimum of 300 words may not fully meet the requirements of the writing
task. An essay that is too short to be evaluated, written on a topic other than the one
presented, or written in a language other than English will be given a zero.
Information for Students
WritePlacer gives you an opportunity to show how eectively you can develop and
express your ideas in writing. You will rst read a short passage and an assignment
question that are focused on an important issue. You will then write an essay in which
you develop your point of view on the issue. You should support your position with
appropriate reasoning and examples. The position you take will not inuence your score.
Your essay will be given a holistic score that represents how clearly and eectively you
expressed your position. The following six dimensions of writing will be considered:
Purpose and FocusThe extent to which you present information in a unied and
coherent manner, clearly addressing the issue.
Organization and StructureThe extent to which you order and connect ideas.
Development and SupportThe extent to which you develop and support ideas.
Sentence Variety and StyleThe extent to which you craft sentences and
paragraphs demonstrating control of vocabulary, voice, and structure.
Mechanical ConventionsThe extent to which you express ideas using Standard
Written English.
Critical ThinkingThe extent to which you communicate a point of view and
demonstrate reasoned relationships among ideas.
If your institution has chosen to provide more detailed test results, a dimension
statement will be reported for each of the above. Each dimension statement describes
your prociency in the indicated dimension.
© 2021 College Board. College Board, ACCUPLACER, WritePlacer, and the acorn logo are registered
trademarks of College Board. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
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ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Sample Prompt
Some people claim that each individual is solely responsible for what happens to
him or her. But the claim that we ought to take absolute responsibility for the kinds
of people we are and the kinds of lives we lead suggests that we have complete
control over our lives. We do not. e circumstances of our lives can make it more
or less impossible to make certain kinds of choices.
Adapted from Gordon D. Marino, “I ink You Should Be Responsible; I’m Not So Sure.
Are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we
can make?
Plan and write a multiparagraph essay (approximately 300–600 words) in which
you develop your point of view on the above question. Support your position
with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or
Sample Essays
There are descriptions on the following pages of each of the eight WritePlacer score
points followed by two sample essays that were assigned the indicated score.
Annotations are provided for each essay explaining why the essay was given the
score it received. Studying these sample essays and the accompanying annotations
will point out the elements considered during the scoring process.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Score of 1
Description of Score of 1
An essay in this category demonstrates no mastery of on-demand essay writing.
Severely awed by many or most of the following weaknesses, a typical essay:
lacks a viable point of view on the issue
demonstrates no awareness of audience
fails to present a main idea
demonstrates awed reasoning
demonstrates no complexity of thought
is disorganized and/or disjointed
displays fundamental errors in word choice, usage, and sentence structure
contains pervasive spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanical errors
Below are sample essays that received a score of 1. The annotations explain why the
essay received the indicated score.
Sample Essay #1 – Score of 1
no i do not think we are free to make our own decisions, because if we were free
we wouldnt be able to go to jail if we were to commit a crime. we are limited in
the choices we make and we have to be smart about the choices we make also.
attacks have been apperaing on the news, they chose to make those decisions
but had to pay the consequenses. People make good and bad decisions its up to
them wether or not its good or bad. with all that said i do think that we are limited
with the choices we make.
Although this response occasionally mentions “choices” and “consequenses,”
it presents no viable point of view on the prompt’s central question of whether
our choices are our responsibility. Instead, the writing contains awed reasoning
(if we were free we wouldn’t be able to go to jail) and disjointed statements
that reveal a lack of organization (. . . we have to be smart about the choices we
make also. attacks have been apperaing on the news, they chose to make those
decisions but had to pay the consequenses). The response displays numerous
errors in word choice, usage, and sentence structure including fused sentences
(People make good and bad decisions its up to them whether or not its good or
bad). Mechanical errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar are also pervasive.
This response demonstrates no mastery of on-demand essay writing and
receives a holistic score of 1.
Purpose and Focus
This response lacks clear purpose and focus.
Organization and Structure
This response presents a series of disjointed statements that are poorly organized.
Development and Support
This essay needs additional ideas and support.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay exhibits limited ability to vary sentence length and use appropriate
Mechanical Conventions
This response doesn’t demonstrate control of mechanical conventions.
Critical Thinking
The essay lacks complexity of thought and displays awed reasoning.
Sample Essay #2 – Score of 1
if you ask me i think its a little bit of both! you are your own person and you are
free to make any decision you want, it just depends on how you veiw life, and want
to live your life! yes we are limited with choices these days espesially if its a illigal
choice you are willing to make! you can wake up tomorrow an make a decision
that you want to do somethimg illigal, with law inforcement will limit the illigal
choice your willing to make, but at the end of the day its still your decision, and
only you can controll you!
Demonstrating awed reasoning, this response lacks a main idea and fails to present
a viable point of view. The essay is disorganized and disjointed, with an attempt to
argue both sides of the issue that shows no complexity of thought (if you ask me
i think its a little bit of both! you are your own person and you are free to make any
decision you want at the end of the day its still your decision, and only you can controll
you!). The response contains fundamental errors in word choice (an [and]), usage
(its [it’s], your [you’re]) and sentence structure (comma splices and unnecessary
commas). Mechanical errors in spelling (veiw, espesially, illigal), punctuation
(inappropriate exclamation marks), and grammar are pervasive. This response
displays no mastery of on-demand essay writing and receives a holistic score of 1.
Purpose and Focus
This response lacks clear purpose and focus.
Organization and Structure
This response demonstrates poor organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This essay needs additional ideas and support.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay exhibits limited ability to vary sentence length and apply
appropriate vocabulary.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows poor control of mechanical conventions such as grammar,
spelling, and punctuation.
Critical Thinking
The essay lacks complexity of thought and displays awed reasoning.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Score of 2
Description of Score of 2
An essay in this category demonstrates very little mastery of on-demand essay
writing. Flawed by many or most of the following weaknesses, a typical essay:
presents a vague or limited point of view on the issue
demonstrates little awareness of audience
presents an unclear main idea
demonstrates weak critical thinking with little complexity of thought or with awed
organizes ideas ineectively, demonstrating a problematic progression of ideas
displays numerous errors in word choice, usage, and sentence structure
contains signicant spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanical errors
Below are sample essays that received a score of 2. The annotations explain why the
essay received the indicated score.
Sample Essay #1 – Score of 2
I think we are imited in the choices we as people can make because we cant just
go out into the world and start doing things we are not supposed to do. There will
always be a line we will never be able to cross. because life is all about making the
right choices and following the government rules because we are not free, if we
were to be free the government wouldnt control us just like they do know. they
cant leave us free because there are people that are out of mind because
It depends on how each person acts and decides to make the right choices.
There are some people that are not capable of being 100% free and they make
the wrong choices. even if each person is responsible of their actions. That is
why there are rules that we need to follow throughout our lifes thats what wil
dend our future. being that I think we should be limited in the choices we can
make we should not be free we need to ght for what we think is good for us.
Demonstrating weak critical thinking, this essay attempts to develop a vague
point of view (I think we are imited in the choices we as people can make because
we cant just go out into the world and start doing things we are not supposed to
do). A lack of clarity inhibits the reader’s ability to discern connections between
statements. This leads to a problematic progression of ideas as evidenced in
the transition between the rst and second paragraphs (if we were to be free the
government wouldnt control us just like they do know. they cant leave us free
because there are people that are out of mind because It depends on how each
person acts and decides to make the right choices). Similarly, the nal sentence
of the essay indicates disorganization by presenting two vague ideas with no
apparent linkage (we should be limited in the choices we can make . . . we need
to ght for what we think is good for us); Numerous errors in word choice, usage,
and sentence structure obscure meaning (That is why there are rules that we
need to follow throughout our lifes thats what wil dend our future. being that I
think we should be limited in the choices we can make we should not be free we
need to ght for what we think is good for us). This response demonstrates very
little mastery of on-demand essay writing and receives a holistic score of 2.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
Purpose and Focus
This response lacks clear purpose and focus.
Organization and Structure
While there is an attempt at an organizational structure with paragraphing,
unclear ideas create problems with progression.
Development and Support
This essay needs additional ideas and support, as many of the ideas are unclear.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay exhibits limited ability to vary sentence length and apply appropriate
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows poor control of mechanical conventions such as grammar,
spelling, and punctuation.
Critical Thinking
The essay shows insucient reasoning and lacks complexity of thought.
Sample Essay #2 – Score of 2
I personally think that we would have a limited in the choices we can make.
The reason i think this would have be because in life you can not always get
what you want, you are always limited to things around you. Sure you can make
some of your decisions but not all; if we were aloud to make all of the decisions
we do there would be alot of slip up and accidents. Some stu that we do are
our responsibility, well actually most stu we do wrong are, you should give
yourself limited choice to make a decision. Then just coming up with one thing;
then something goes wrong and then you really start thinking mabye i should
of limited myself and thought everything through the going for the one thing i
decided on. This is why i do personally think there should be a limit on making
your own decisions.
Although the response attempts to address Marino’s claim concerning “the
circumstances of our lives(you are always limited to things around you), it
presents a limited point of view and unclear main idea (we would have a limited
in the choices we can make). The essay lacks specic examples to clarify the
position, instead oering insucient support that demonstrates little complexity
of thought (alot of slip up and accidents). The writer continues to develop a vague
point of view later in the response, recommending a method for making decisions
(you should give yourself limited choice) rather than examining whether people
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
should take absolute responsibility for their decisions. Ineective organization
prevents a progression of ideas (Then just coming up with one thing; then
something goes wrong and then you really start thinking mabye i should of limited
myself). The essay contains signicant errors in usage (aloud [allowed], should
of) and sentence structure, as well as problems with spelling, grammar, and
punctuation. This response demonstrates very little mastery of on-demand essay
writing and receives a holistic score of 2.
Purpose and Focus
This response lacks clear purpose and focus.
Organization and Structure
This response demonstrates ineective organization of ideas.
Development and Support
An absence of specicity weakens support and contributes to a lack of clarity.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay exhibits limited ability to vary sentence length and vocabulary.
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows poor control of mechanical conventions such as grammar,
spelling, and punctuation.
Critical Thinking
The essay shows insucient reasoning and lacks complexity of thought.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Score of 3
Description of Score of 3
An essay in this category demonstrates little mastery of on-demand essay writing.
Flawed by one or more of the following weaknesses, a typical essay:
presents a vague or limited point of view on the issue
demonstrates little awareness of audience
attempts to develop the main idea though that attempt is inadequate
demonstrates weak critical thinking with little complexity of thought or with
awed reasoning
provides inappropriate or insucient examples, reasons, or other evidence to
support its position
is poorly organized and/or focused or demonstrates serious problems with
coherence or progression of ideas
displays limited word choice and little sentence variety
contains many errors in mechanical conventions of usage, sentence structure,
grammar, spelling and punctuation
Below are sample essays that received a score of 3. The annotations explain why the
essay received the indicated score.
Sample Essay #1 – Score of 3
Honestly, I think we should be able to make our own decisions because, it is our
life. We can do whatever we want with it. If we go through rough obstacles, we
have to manage to work them out. Some of us might even be successful with our
decision or not. You chose your own decision. You should not have to be limited
on your choices that you make. Some people might not like the fact that, they
can not go over a certain amount of decisions they can make. One example is,
you are going to a store to buy some groceries. You see a delicious candy bar.
You are not sure if you should take it. It is your own decision. In todays world, we
are not limited on our own decisions. We can make millions of decisions in life.
Maybe you should just over think it and, make the good decisions at least. We
are responsible enough to make our own decisions. We should need to have
someone near us telling you,’ You have gone over your limit of decisions’. If
you are mature enough to do the right things, you are old enough to make your
own decisions, but the good ones. Yes, some people will choose the wrong the
decision, but it was their own choice. I am against us people today having to be
limited in the choices you make. I agree that it is better to just be responsible and
make and choose your own decision. You are an adult. Now some people will be
totally against that. But, I am very thankful that now the time I’m living in, we make
and choose our own decisions. We do not need anybody to be telling us what
we can or can not do. In conclusion, today we do not have to be limited over the
choices we make. We can make and choose our own decisions. We are free to
make and choose our own decisions
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
This response presents a limited point of view, narrowing the focus from
responsibility for decisions to whether we should be able to make our
own decisions. Although the writer attempts to address the notion that
circumstances beyond our control govern our decisions and impact
responsibility, this idea provides little complexity of thought (we have to
manage to work them out......It is your own decision). A subsequent attempt to
address responsibility is similarly inadequate, as the essay merely asserts that
“it is better to just be responsible” but does not provide sucient evidence to
support this claim. The writer repeats the same general argument throughout
the essay, diminishing coherence and demonstrating serious problems with the
progression of ideas (You chose your own decision. … It is your own decision. …
you are old enough to make your own decisions, but the good ones). The
response contains limited word choice (decisions is used in most sentences) and
little sentence variety, along with many errors in the mechanical conventions
of usage, sentence structure and grammar. This response demonstrates little
mastery of on-demand essay writing and receives a holistic score of 3.
Purpose and Focus
This response does not fully communicate purpose, and focus is inconsistent.
Organization and Structure
This response demonstrates limited organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This response has insucient support for its ideas.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay shows inconsistent control of sentence variety, word choice, and ow
of thought.
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows limited control of mechanical conventions.
Critical Thinking
The essay shows insucient reasoning and lacks complexity of thought.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Sample Essay #2 – Score of 3
We are limited in the choices that we can make by a number of things. First we are
restricted by our government, who sets rules that we have to abide by. Next is our
schools, because they set a certain standard on our classes and we have to meet
their requirements and also we are limited in our actions when we are at work.
Our government has laws that we have to go by or we will be ned or punished for
not abiding by them. Hitler came up with all sorts of rules and conditions and if
they weren’t followed he would have the citizen executed. In our school we don’t
have very much freedom in choicing which courses we want to take because we
have so many mandatory ones that has to be taken in order to get enough credits
to graduate such as 3 years of Math 4 years English and 3 years of Reading and
Writing. And last but not least when you get a job nearly every employer has a
certain code that you have to go by in order to work for them. Some companies
have started banning you from bringing your bible to work to read on your break
or talking religion to your coworkers. So all in all I think we are limited in the
choices we can make by our government, schools and our employers.
Demonstrating weak critical thinking, this essay develops a limited point of view,
agreeing with Marino’s assertion that various entities (e.g., government, school,
employers) limit our choices but fails to address the issue of whether we are
responsible for actions we take. The writer attempts to provide evidence that choices
are limited, but disjointed and list-like examples lead to a problematic progression of
ideas (Hitler came up with all sorts of rules and conditions . . . in our school we don’t
have very much freedom in choicing which course we want to take). Errors in grammar
(mandatory ones that has to be taken), usage (choicing), and punctuation (both missing
and incorrectly placed commas) occur throughout the essay. This response exhibits
developing mastery of on-demand essay writing and receives a holistic score of 3.
Purpose and Focus
This response doesn’t fully communicate purpose, and focus is inconsistent.
Organization and Structure
This response displays poor organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This response has insucient support for its ideas.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay shows inconsistent control of sentence variety, word choice, and ow
of thought.
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows limited control of mechanical conventions.
Critical Thinking
The essay shows insucient reasoning and lacks complexity of thought.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Score of 4
Description of Score of 4
An essay in this category demonstrates developing mastery of on-demand essay
writing. A typical essay:
develops a viable point of view on the issue
may stray from audience and purpose
demonstrates some critical thinking but may do so inconsistently or use
inadequate examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position
may lack control of organization or focus, demonstrating some lapses in coherence
or progression of ideas
contains some errors in sentence structure and use of grammatical conventions
such as word choice, usage, spelling, and punctuation
Below are sample essays that received a score of 4. The annotations explain why the
essay received the indicated score.
Sample Essay #1 – Score of 4
America manipulates people to believe they are free to make their own
choices;however, people are obligated and manipulated to make choices they do
not agree with, such as, in a job, college, and everday life. Decisons come along
with consquences, good or bad, its up to the person to choose which path to
take. First example, at a work area, an employee is designated duties to fullll his
or her position, but its up to them if they want to complete the job or they get laid
o which is a form of limited choices. This country runs o money, people work
based on how much income they are given. You pay them more they do more.
As a student in college, in order to graduate with a degree of their choice, the
student has to complete a number of credits and meet all expectations. Student
is left with either one or two choices, complete all assignments or fail out of
school and have a minimun wage job. Majority of the people refuse to settle for
minimum jobs such as waitressing, retail, and jobs based o commission. So
they pay however much they need to complete school. In everyday life, people
walk on eggshells throughout their day. If the people were free to make their
own choices why are there law enforcers to regulate rules? The judicial justice to
punish criminals? This country gives their people limited choices, but pursades
them feel as if they have no limitations on their choices;however, people are
afraid of the law so they tend to limit themselves as well. The higher power-the
law intimidate people who have less money or less power. Majority of those who
do not have limited choices, have a higher power and in order to have higher
power money is needed. Moral of the story, America manipulates their people in
the direction in favor for them.
The writer presents a viable point of view on the issue, arguing that we are
manipulated by outside forces into making the choices we make. The response
demonstrates some critical thinking but does so inconsistently. For example,
the writer introduces a thought-provoking idea that America fosters an illusion
of free choice, but inadequate examples prevent a fuller exploration of this topic.
The essay outlines decisions and consequences (. . . complete all assignments
or fail out of school) but neglects to address the deeper question of whether we
should take responsibility for our choices or whether we make choices because
of forces beyond our control. Lapses in coherence occur as the writer strings
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
together unrelated ideas (In everyday life, people walk on eggshells throughout
their day. If the people were free to make their own choices why are there law
enforcers to regulate rules?).
The response contains errors in punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure
(First example, at a work area, an employee is designated duties to fulll his or
her position, but its up to them if they want to complete the job or they get laid o
which is a form of limited choices). This response exhibits developing mastery of
on-demand essay writing and receives a holistic score of 4.
Purpose and Focus
This response doesn’t fully communicate purpose, and focus is inconsistent.
Organization and Structure
This response displays a lack of control over the organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This response has limited support for its ideas.
Sentence Variety and Style
This response shows inconsistent control of sentence variety, word choice,
and ow of thought.
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows limited control of mechanical conventions.
Critical Thinking
The essay shows limited clarity and complexity of thought.
Sample Essay #2 – Score of 4
Each and every person is able to freely make their own decisions. This is a
process that man has been able to do from the very beginning. With out the
chance of being able to make free decisions then as an individual or as a whole,
many complications can start to arise.
In my life there has been many choices that have been made. many that were
never easy. Apart from day to day decisions to ones that could impact you,
your friends, your family, or just those around you regardless of who they may
be.The decision that one is able to make, can have so many outcomes. One day
an individual could help make a work center run more ecently, because they
made a decision that would help both themself and the others around them. On
the other hand that same individual could have just as easily made a completly
dierent choice, with a result could end up a lot worse for that one person or
someone else.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
Each and every day, there are men and women that freely choose to put them
selves in harms way. No one has threatened them that they must go do this or
else. I see on a daily Basis people that go and put on a uniform because they
chose to do it. Yes, each person has their own reason for doing what they do,
however each one that does this still does this freely.
You may be limited on your choices at a current time, but that could be because
of everything going on around you. If we lived in a world ruled with limitations
set daily and you couldn’t go out side of what has been set, then i do think that
problems would start occuring. The oppurtunity of Free Choice is an amazing
gift that people either take advantage of and help adavance them selves with or
throw away with a single bad choice. Either way we are still free to make our own
choices and i think that will stay that way for a little while longer.
This response presents a viable point of view and displays some critical
thinking; however, certain examples lack sucient elaboration to establish a
clear connection to the issue of responsibility (One day an individual could help
make a work center run more eciently, because they made a decision........On
the other hand that same individual could have just as easily made a completly
dierent choice, with a result could end up a lot worse). Other examples, such as
the discussion of dangerous careers in the third paragraph, are inappropriate,
straying from the purpose of the prompt (taking responsibility for choices).
The writer eventually tackles the idea of outside forces inhibiting choice in the
nal paragraph, but the complexity of the prompt’s question is not addressed
coherently across the body of the essay. In addition, some ideas are introduced
but not developed (If we lived in a world ruled with limitations set...problems
would start occuring). This leads to problems in the progression of ideas, as the
writer moves on to a dierent topic ( ....Free Choice is an amazing gift). Some
errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation occur. This response exhibits
developing mastery of on-demand essay writing and receives a holistic score of 4.
Purpose and Focus
This response doesn’t fully communicate purpose, and focus is inconsistent.
Organization and Structure
In spite of lapses in progression, the response follows a limited organizational plan.
Development and Support
This response has limited support for its ideas.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay shows inconsistent control of sentence variety, word choice, and ow
of thought.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows limited control of mechanical conventions.
Critical Thinking
While demonstrating some critical thinking, this essay shows limited clarity and
complexity of thought.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Score of 5
Description of Score of 5
An essay in this category demonstrates adequate mastery of on-demand essay
writing, although it will have lapses in quality. A typical essay:
develops a viable point of view on the issue
may stray from the audience and purpose but is able to refocus
demonstrates competent critical thinking, using adequate examples, reasons, and
other evidence to support its position
is generally organized and focused but could lack coherence and logical
progression of ideas
exhibits adequate but inconsistent control of language
demonstrates some variety in sentence structure
contains some minor errors in sentence structure, grammar, spelling,
and punctuation
Below are sample essays that received a score of 5. The annotations explain why the
essay received the indicated score.
Sample Essay #1 – Score of 5
Dicisions are endless, it is up to you to make anything happen. You can come
from a poor family, and end up a billionaire due to the wise dicisions you made
growing up. It can take one mindless dicision to end your hopes of becoming
something bigger. You can go from having nothing to having it all based on all
your successes in life. For example, my family does not have a lot of money,
therefore, my family is living paycheck-to-paycheck. To make sure I do not live
the life of worrying, like my mother, I will pursue my dream of becoming a doctor.
I will make that decision to change my life for the better. If you are caught up in
a sticky situation, it is because you lead yourself by the choices you made in.
You are judged by others soley based on your daily decisions, therefore, you are
respondsible for your future
You are capable as an adult to make the best decisions, and understand that all
things you do in life may come with a consequence. It absolutely can be dicult
to understand what the best choice is for you, and if you end up failing, there is
always a second chance. Life is all about trial and error. You can test the waters
and see all the dierent outcomes, and choose the best decision that ts you. You
may not always choose the right decision, but it can teach you how to address
any situation in the future. Every decision you make in life has an eect not only
on yourself, but others around you. You are to think before you react, because you
can cause trouble between you and your peers. This can be a reason why your
decisions make up who you are and how others view your characters.
You are not limited to the decisions you make, because you have full control of
your character and how successful you want your future to be. The kind of life
you lead is completely in your hands. No one can stop you from accomplishing
your goals. Although, there might be bumbs along the way, you are fully capable
of going over them. As an adult you are free to make unlimited decisions that
make you respondsible for choices, and with great decision making, it will
showcase your success.
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Continued from previous page
The writer vaguely acknowledges the prompt’s assertion that circumstances
such as “a poor family” can dene the choices we make and develops a viable
point of view, ultimately rejecting the idea that circumstances inhibit our choices
(you have full control of your character and how successful you want your
future to be). Competent critical thinking adds nuance to the position. This is
particularly evident in the second paragraph, which begins by acknowledging
the diculty in determining the best choice but goes on to suggest that even
poor choices can equip one to better deal with future diculties. The writer then
expands the topic by recognizing that one’s actions aect not only oneself but
“others around you” as well, oering an implicit rejoinder to Marino’s claim that
our choices alone cannot determine “who you are and how others view your
characters. The response is generally organized and exhibits a progression of
ideas through the use of extended examples (my family does not have a lot of
money, therefore, my family is living paycheck-to-paycheck. To make sure I do
not live the life of worrying, like my mother, I will pursue my dream of becoming
a doctor. I will make that decision to change my life for the better). Adequate
control of language is demonstrated throughout the essay, with some varied
sentence structures (It absolutely can be dicult to understand what the best
choice is for you, and if you end up failing, there is always a second chance. Life is
all about trial and error). This response exhibits adequate mastery of on-demand
essay writing and receives a holistic score of 5.
Purpose and Focus
This response doesn’t fully communicate purpose.
Organization and Structure
This response demonstrates limited organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This response has limited support for its ideas, as many of the ideas lack specic
detailed support.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay shows inconsistent control of sentence variety, word choice, and ow
of thought.
Mechanical Conventions
Minor errors occur in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Critical Thinking
While demonstrating some critical thinking, this essay shows limited clarity and
complexity of thought.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Sample Essay #2 – Score of 5
The ability of decision making is one of a few traits thats dierenciates us from
animals. As opposed to most other living specimens on this planet who mostly
act upon instinct and would appear to have little to no control over the course
of their lives, i strongly belive our abilty to think critically has a major impact on
we deicde to live our lives. But for the question at hand “are we free to make our
decisons or are our choices limited”, I would have to say yes to both.
Like stated previously, I belive a humans possesion of critical thinking and kowing
right from wrong and so on gives a great ammount of control over out lives.
Without which we would be no dierent than most animals. Every day we wake up
we make a decision that could impact the rest our day or maybe even the rest of
out lives. for example, what time you should wake up because if you’re late again
you will lose your job. Even the decions in what we eat day to day or how much
excerise we feel like getting will impact our health. All of these are situations we
have control over. If I choose to smoke and end up with cancer well thats my fault
and no one elses. Ultimately when it comes down to it the paths we deicde to
take in life are choices that are made by us and us alone.
Despite being a sentient species, having free will and being able to ultimately
control our fates, sometimes the decions we make can be limited to what
resources you have available to yourself. Perhaps you are a child and your
parents are the only resource you have to accomplish most of anything you like
to go for. In that case your parents might be making a lot of decions for you as any
good parent would. Mental dissabilities unfortunately can also be a factor when it
comes to a persons thought process as they attempt critical decision making.
We as humans posess abilities far greater than many other creatures we share
the Earth with. Some like to think it is up to fate to decide how our lives turn out
and even that is a decision in itsself. As an intelligent species have total control
over our own lives and what we decide to do with it regardless of what inuences
us or what may be available to help us along the way.
This response presents a viable point of view that demonstrates competent
critical thinking (I belive a humans possesion of critical thinking and kowing
right from wrong and so on gives a great ammount of control over out lives).
Adequate reasoning and evidence support the qualied position that we are
free to make decisions, though some limitations exist. The writer provides brief,
but appropriate examples of daily decisions people make (e.g., sleep, diet, and
exercise) to illustrate the cause and eect relationship between one’s choices
and their consequences. Generally organized and focused, the essay contains
a logical progression of ideas that culminates in a nal sentence that clearly
expresses the writer’s position (As an intelligent species have total control over
our own lives and what we decide to do with it regardless of what inuences us
or what may be available to help us along the way). The essay exhibits adequate
but inconsistent control of language: the essay contains some errors in spelling,
grammar, and mechanical conventions. This response exhibits adequate mastery
of on-demand essay writing and receives a holistic score of 5.
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Continued from previous page
Purpose and Focus
This response doesn’t fully communicate purpose.
Organization and Structure
Transitions help to link ideas, but overall the response demonstrates limited
organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This response has limited support for its ideas. Sentence Variety and Style This
essay shows control of sentence variety and structure.
Mechanical Conventions
Minor errors occur in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Critical Thinking
While demonstrating some critical thinking, this essay shows limited clarity and
complexity of thought.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Score of 6
Description of Score of 6
An essay in this category demonstrates reasonably consistent mastery of
on-demand essay writing, although it may have occasional lapses in quality.
A typical essay:
eectively develops a point of view on the issue
addresses an appropriate audience and demonstrates a clear purpose for writing
demonstrates strong critical thinking, generally using appropriate examples,
reasons, and other evidence to support its position
is well organized and focused, demonstrating coherence and a logical progression
of ideas
exhibits consistent control in the use of language
demonstrates adequate variety in sentence structure
is generally free of errors in sentence structure, grammar, usage, spelling,
and punctuation
Below are sample essays that received a score of 6. The annotations explain why the
essay received the indicated score.
Sample Essay #1 – Score of 6
Being presented with options and choosing which path to take is a fundemental
part of the human experience. There are multiple possbilities, and no clear cut
answer to this question. Sometimes, a situation can’t be helped, and there’s
nothing that can be done about it, whether or not an attempt is made. Other
times, a situation can’t be helped, but with eort the outcome can be altered. And
other times, a situation is the result of a person’s actions, with them bringing it
upon themselves.
Part of being human is that of course you can’t simply do anything, everyone
has their own limitations, whether or not they (directly or indirectly) set the
limitations for themselves. Minority groups in America such as LGBT+ people,
people of color, and Muslims, for example, are limited in what jobs they can
secure due to discrimination. People who live in poverty often cannot escape
and are trapped in a downward spiral. Teenagers with no stable income or reliable
means of transportation can’t truly be free either. However, every single person
has the potential to break out of their conned cage and create more choices
and opportunities for their lives. Something I believe greatly in is that there is
never, under any circumstances, a 0% chance, no matter how highly the odds are
stacked against.
One wonderful example of this dicult, amazing feat is Alexander Hamilton.
He was an illegitimate child who lost both of his parents by teenagehood, living
in poverty and having nothing. He grasped at every straw he could, not only
managing to escape his brutal life in the Carribeans, but making himself into
one of the most important gures in American history. Even once he got to the
mainland, he could have lost it and give into despair, but he continued to climb
and persevere. He is the epitome of a person getting their own freedom to make
their decisons. However, even so, as George Washington’s right hand man, as a
husband and father, and as the Secretary of the Treasury, his decisons were still
limited, and he didn’t have total freedom, (though at that period it was mostly due
to social pressures and not wanting to lose his position or reputation rather than
not having the means).
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
In short, there is no easy answer to this. Technically, anybody can do anything,
if they have the means, are able to let go of the obligations that come with
being a human being, and are able to escape (or are willing to deal with) the
consequences of their actions. However, it’s very rare to have these abilities, and
with global poverty rising, the means are becoming so much more of a forgotten
treasure. At times it’s our or somebody else’s fault, and other times it’s just an
unfortunate fate. Having the luxury of making your own life is a luxury in and of
itself. Either way, a path can always be carved, no matter how limited one may be
This response presents a viable point of view and demonstrates a clear purpose
for writing (Sometimes, a situation cant be helped, and there’s nothing that can
be done about it....Other times, a situation can’t be helped, but with eort the
outcome can be altered. And other times, a situation is the result of a person’s
actions, with them bringing it upon themselves). The essay demonstrates strong
critical thinking, rst in the discussion of minority groups that face discrimination
and in the acknowledgment that others (people who live in poverty and [t]eenagers
with no stable income) have circumstantial limitations that can limit their
freedom. Critical thinking is also evident in the writer’s ultimate point: that
there is no easy answer to this and that anybody can do anything, if they have
the meansand are (willing to deal with) the consequences of their actions.
While the Hamilton example provided in the second half of the essay doesn’t
quite match the prompt’s subtle implications that outside forces that can’t be
overcome are related to our means, the writer does acknowledge a caveat to
Hamilton’s example, another indication of critical thinking (though at that period
it was mostly due to social pressures and not wanting to lose his position or
reputation rather than not having the means). The writing is well organized and
focused, demonstrating coherence (for example, the sustained focus across
each paragraph on the idea of unconquerable limitations vs. being able to alter
outcomes with eort) and a logical progression of ideas. The essay displays
consistent control in the use of language with adequate variety in sentence
structure (Having the luxury of making your own life is a luxury in and of itself.
Either way, a path can always be carved, no matter how limited one may be). This
response exhibits a reasonably consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing
and receives a holistic score of 6.
Purpose and Focus
This response shows a clear and consistent purpose.
Organization and Structure
This response exhibits strong organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This response has limited support for its ideas. By the writer’s own admission,
the most developed example doesn’t quite match Marino’s implication that the
ability to make certain choices can be constrained by one’s means.
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Continued from previous page
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay shows skillful control of sentence structure and style.
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows strong control over the mechanical conventions of
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Critical Thinking
This essay shows limited clarity and complexity of thought.
Sample Essay #2 – Score of 6
It’s easy to say that we are free to make our own decisions, but are we? In my
opinion, yes we all have free will to make certain choices and others, not so
much. There are certain factors that can play a role in life, such as lifestyles
choices that were passed on from generation to generation without even
knowing the wrong doing of it. Since it was passed down, it must be normal,
right? Not always! There are two very complicated choices to make, to do great,
or not so great, ultimately the choice is yours. This factor can depend on your
background, such as self-esteem, family, friends, beliefs, and a host of others.
Not saying that anyone is perfect, because we all make mistakes, but if you want
better, you will do better.
Self-esteem is the rst one. Key word is self, but it doesn’t start with self. As a
child I was taught to be condent in myself, but I grew up with others that weren’t
taught the same. Some were brought up in a not so great enviornment, where
they may have been abused in one way or another and it happened so much it
became their normal. This could throw your decision making judgement o. I’m
not saying you can’t come from a terrible background and be a better person,
because it’s all about you and what you want out of life. Sure it may be a little
tough compared to someone else, but know one said it would be easy! In my
experience, family plays a major role in what you can and will become. Family can
build you up, but can also tear you down. Above everything, self is the foundation
and I believe that if you have a very supportive background and a positive outlook
life, your choices you decide to make will have very positive outcomes.
Even with a great family foundation, it could still be challenging to make your own
decisions, because friends could cause peer pressure. Peer pressure can cause
one to feel like they have to do whatever it is to be cool or to even be noticed. For
some, this isn’t a decision they would normally make, but to t in is the key. What
they think is normal, seems to be everything they want and need at that moment.
Even though they know it’s wrong, they may feel the need to have the validation
from others. Others aren’t so bothered with it. Some may lack the attention
at home and feel the need to gain it elsewhere. Whatever the reasoning, peer
pressure is real and could aect the choices you make.
Ultimately, you hold your future in your hands. No matter how rough the ride may
be, you can make it! Every now and then we just may need a little reminder of how
great we are, and what we are capable of becoming. As always, remember every
action has a reaction, whether good or bad, so be mindful of your decision making!
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
Demonstrating strong critical thinking, this response eectively develops a
point of view (It’s easy to say that we are free to make our own decisions, but
are we? In my opinion, yes we all have free will to make certain choices and
others, not so much) and supports that position with appropriate reasons and
examples. The writer recognizes the complexity of the issues and provides
evidence that demonstrates this understanding, contrasting his or her own
privileged upbringing with that of peers who were brought up in a not so great
enviornment, in order to illustrate how adverse circumstances can limit one’s
choices and “throw your decision making judgement o. Strong transitions
contribute to a logical progression of ideas (Above everything, self is the
foundation and I believe that if you have a very supportive background and a
positive outlook life, your choices you decide to make will have very positive
outcomes. Even with a great family foundation, it could still be challenging to
make your own decisions). Control of language is consistent, and sentences
are reasonably varied. The writing is generally free of errors in sentence
structure, grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation. This response exhibits
a reasonably consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing and receives a
holistic score of 6.
Purpose and Focus
This focused essay exhibits a clear purpose.
Organization and Structure
This response demonstrates strong organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This response has limited support, as good examples are provided but not
developed with sucient depth.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay shows skillful control of sentence structure and style.
Mechanical Conventions
This response shows strong control over the mechanical conventions of
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Critical Thinking
This essay shows limited clarity and complexity of thought.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Score of 7
Description of Score of 7
An essay in this category demonstrates consistent mastery of on-demand essay
writing, although it may have occasional minor errors. A typical essay:
eectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue
addresses an appropriate audience and demonstrates a clear purpose for writing in
the thesis statement
demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using appropriate examples, reasons,
and other evidence to support its position
is well organized and focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth
progression of ideas
exhibits appropriate language, using a varied and accurate vocabulary
demonstrates varied sentence structure
is practically free of errors in sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and
Below are sample essays that received a score of 7. The annotations explain why the
essay received the indicated score.
Sample Essay #1 – Score of 7
The decisions we make on a daily basis shape the type of person we are along
with the type of person others see us as, when a child is young they are guided
and do not have much of a say in decison making however as and individual gets
older they are expected to start making their own decisions. Decision making
can be complex for some individuals while on the other hand for some deciding
what they want is something that comes naturally. Every one makes dierent
decisions and thus lead dierent lives based on the choices they take however
we are not always free in the choices we make their is a variety of dierent
components which shape our ability to make decisions.
The choices an individual makes on a daily basis have a lot to do with cultural
or religious beliefs, dierent cultures have dierent teachings and dierent
outlooks on what is acceptable and what is forbidden. Parents raise their children
according to the way they think and the type of person they would like their
child to become. Many parents have certain expectations from their children
regarding the decisions they make based on cultural beliefs that the parents
or other family members expect their child to follow and abide by. The society
one lives in also has a huge impact on the decisons you make, individuals are
expected to act in certain ways in certain societies and not doing so may cause
conicts. Thus, cultural and societal teachings and expectations impact a large
amount of our ability to make choices and often leave us with limited to no choice
at all.
The circumstances we are in is another factor which often limits the decisions we
make and we do not always have a choice in the circumstances we are put into.
An example of this is when a child is born into a very poor family which hardly
has enough food to put on the table they automatically are limited to making
many decisions in their life such as if they would like to have a proper eductation.
They may not be able to pursue their dreams of having an education due to the
circumstances of their family which may not be able to aord giving their child an
education at all. Someone with completely dierent circumstances on the other
hand would have a completely dierent set of choices in their lives which would
allow them to make completely dierent decisions.
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Continued from previous page
Laws and regulations have an immense amount of control on the decisions one
can make, most of the time there are consequences when the law is broken
or bent. In Canada we have many rules and regulations which every individual
is suppose to follow and not question since it is meant for the well being of
everyone. An example of how strong a hold laws can have on a persons decision
making can be seen when an individual is interested in starting their own
business in Canada. There are many strict rules and a number of expectations
one must complete in order to begin their own business. These regulations and
restrictions often have a great impact on the decisions one makes and can aect
ones ability to be able to start a business at all if they are not able to live upto
these expectations. Since there are usually harsh consequences when a rule or
law is broken, people are scared to think or do anything other than what is set for
them by the government. All in all laws and regulations limit the choices we have
on a daily basis.
To conclude, decision making is shaped by a number of dierent aspects such as
cultural and societal beliefs, individual circumstances and laws and regulations.
We may not see it or feel it however we do not always have a choice and often our
decisons have already been made for us. An individual may be confronted with
many problems if they do not take anything into consideration when they make
decisons, thus wanting to avoid this and the fear of consequences we do not
always have a choice or say in every decision we make throughout life.
This response takes the thoughtful position that we are not always free in
the choices we make because of the variety of dierent components” that
shape our decisions. The writing demonstrates outstanding critical thinking
throughout, from the initial idea that control over decisions evolves as we
age to the astute observation that “societal teachings and expectations can
dictate our choices and behaviors. In the third paragraph, the writer continues
to grapple with the complexity of the prompt, oering insight into the ways
outside inuences (economic circumstances in particular) can shape our
decision making. Appropriate examples, such as a discussion of how regulations
in Canada limit the daily choices of business owners, provide extended support
that deepens the reader’s understanding of the topic. The organized and focused
essay features a clear progression of ideas. Language use is appropriate
throughout, exhibiting varied vocabulary (forbidden, abide, immense) and a
variety of sentence structures. Demonstrating a consistent mastery of on-
demand essay writing, this response receives a holistic score of 7.
Purpose and Focus
This response displays a clear purpose and consistent focus.
Organization and Structure
This response demonstrates strong organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This essay is logically developed and well supported.
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Continued from previous page
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay demonstrates skillful control of sentence structure and style.
Mechanical Conventions
This response exhibits strong control of the mechanical conventions of writing.
Critical Thinking
This essay shows clear and reasoned analysis of the issue.
Sample Essay #2 – Score of 7
Everyone must start somewhere. Despite living in one of the most upwardly
mobile countries in history, Americans do not have equality of origen. For
example, some are born into wealth and presperity with the whole world
seemingly laid before them. They are easily able to chart a course for their life
and, having the resources at hand, they can pursue that course and rise to even
greater wealth and prosperity. Others are born into poverty. Their choices are
more narrow and are mainly focussed on surviving day to day. This second group
however, does not have to remain in the circumstances of their beginnings
forever. By recognizing their situation & making the best of the choices they can
make, and tenaciously prusuing goals and oppertunities as they come up, they
can expand their options and TAKE responsibility for their future.
The beginning of overcoming a poor beginning is recognizing your position. In
my own case, being the son of an abusive father, I was raised in poverty by my
single mother. There was always a sense of hopelessness around. Not knowing
it, this feeling dened my childhood and teenage years – As far as I knew, my life
was heading nowhere. At 15, however, I recognized that I had a choice to make
in the outcome of my life. I began to ask for help from some of my teachers and
I began to look for chances pursue my interests by taking classes in computers
and technology. It wasn’t much but by steadily making decisions that expanded
my options, little by little, I began to escape the fog of hopelessness.
At 16 I realized that I would need to make a clean break from my past if I was to
have any chance at a brighter future. I was in my second year of high school and
my mother was going through her third devorce with an alcoholic and abusive
husband. He got arrested and sent to jail for drunk driving, and she decided that
she could have a better life if she uprooted my sister and I by moving to Florida
with her sister. I knew this would be the path to ruin for me. I decided to take a
chance on myself and tell my mother that I was not going with her. I spoke with my
guidance counselor and asked for her help in telling my mother what I was going
to do. Mrs. Lewis set the appointment, called an Aunt of mine who lived in the
area, and set it up so I could stay with her family until I nished high school. On
the day of the meeting she encouraged me to speak my heart about my decision
and stood by me when I laid things out for my mom. In the end, my mother agreed
to allow me to stay with my aunt while she moved away.
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Continued from previous page
The two and a half years of high school that followed were very trying. However,
by standing up for myself, and choosing to break from my past, I chose a pursue
a path that ultimately lead to my having a happy marriage with a wife I love and
3 amazing children. I also have a career in a eld I can be successful in a long as
I want.
In summary, by recognizing my position, making the best of the decisions I had,
and with tenacity taking risks on myself, I broke away from a hopeless future. I
started with nothing, but today my horizons are broad and my future is bright.
This response establishes an insightful point of view that, through a combination
of perseverance and awareness, people can take responsibility for their future
despite circumstances that encumber them. Support consists of a thorough
personal account of how the writer overcame an impoverished and abusive
environment. Incorporating appropriate examples and specic details, this
anecdotal evidence strengthens the position and lends credibility to the writer’s
claims. The essay is well organized and focused, exhibiting a smooth progression
of ideas across the three body paragraphs, as the writer moves through the
chronology of the personal example. Language use is appropriate, with accurate
and varied vocabulary (chart a course, prosperity, fog of hopelessness, tenacity).
Varied sentence structures enhance the uency of the writing. Demonstrating a
consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing, this response receives a holistic
score of 7.
Purpose and Focus
This response displays a clear purpose and strong focus.
Organization and Structure
This response demonstrates strong organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This essay is logically developed and well supported.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay demonstrates skillful control of sentence structure and style.
Mechanical Conventions
Control of mechanical conventions is strong.
Critical Thinking
This essay shows clear and reasoned analysis of the issue.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Score of 8
Description of Score of 8
An essay in this category demonstrates clear and consistent mastery of on-demand
essay writing, with a few minor errors. A typical essay:
eectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue
addresses an appropriate audience and demonstrates a clear purpose for writing in
the thesis statement
demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using eective examples, reasons, and
other evidence to support its position
is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth
progression of ideas
exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary
demonstrates varied and eective sentence structure
is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Below are sample essays that received a score of 8. The annotations explain why the
essay received the indicated score.
Sample Essay #1 – Score of 8
There are over 4 billion people on planet earth, while thousands of people are
born everyday. Where the child is born, and where they are raised, is completely
spontaneous and out of there control. Gordon D. Marino strongly believes that
no one has rm control of what happens to him or her, or with what transpires
throughout their life. His take has a signicant amount of validity, which cant be
justied. However, people have the ablity and possibility to prevent the negatives
throughout life with proper structure.
As it pertains to Gordon D. Marino’s passage, there is no right or wrong answer.
Granted, people are brought into unfortunate and inconvenient situations,
but that doesn’t negate the fact that they can’t overcome the fallacies and
transgressions they endure. An abundance of people come from broken homes,
negligent parents who are in poverty, unsophisticated school systems, third
world countries, and so fourth. I undoubtedly understand that people strongly
feel like there is no way out, or a solution to the unfortunate circumstances
they have encountered. However, there is always a way out. The famous cliche
“anything is possible” needs to be embraced a lot more. People going through
struggles need to summize the fact that not one person is better than the
other. Other people just so happen to have been fortunately raised in a better
environment. There is a way to overcome this.
A prime example of someone who had to overcome his negative surroundings
would be my father. He was raised by negligent, alcoholic parents who would
never amount to anything. They simply did not care. He was getting into trouble
as a youth, being thrown in a juvenile detention center at a young age, living
in a bad area, and spending his time with the wrong people. He didnt have any
money, was a high school drop-out, and was in a detention center at 17. He was
so upset with the way his life had been going, he decided he was all in, and was
going to strive for success, and wasn’t going to stop until he did so. He picked up
a book and never put it down, disassociated himself from the negative tension
he was constantly around, and gradually progressed. Once he was out of juvenile
detention, he aquired a GED, went to a community college taking online classes
while working three jobs. Granted, your social life might come to a pause, but the
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
juice is totally worth the squeeze. His most common phrase when talking to me
and my siblings were, “work hard now, have fun later. Ultimately, he went from
being a juvenile delinquent from a broken home, to a proesor of sociology at the
University of Georgetown. He constantly enlightens his students about his past
transgressions, and how anyone can overcome anything if they put in the eort.
I strongly feel that Gordon D. Marino’s message has a much broader context.
He could be alluding to a plethora of instances that are unpreventable. One
might get a at tire, be in a hostile situation involving a terror attack, a home
being wiped out by a natural disaster. The examples I just listed are undeniably
unpreventable. He could also be alluding to my message about being brought
into a broken home, but there is always a way out, and a path to success. If you
are in poverty, work 3 jobs. If you want to be a physician, go to school and never
put the books down. It is all about sacricing and applying yourself to the best of
your abilities.
All in all, with Gordon’s message, there is no right or wrong answer. We do not
have control on mother nature, and the outside forces that exist outside of us.
We do not have control of where we were born, who raised us, what class we
were brought into, what country we were born in, but we do have control of our
bodies, and what we want to do with it. The people who claim each individual is
responsible of what happens to him or her, has signicant validity as well. People
dont have to commit crimes, people dont have to be in poverty. It all comes down
to whether or not you can overcome the unfortunate circumstances, and apply
yourself to be the best possible person.
Demonstrating outstanding critical thinking by eectively and insightfully
developing its point of view, this response acknowledges the validity of Marino’s
claims while suggesting that an alternative is possible. Throughout the essay,
the writer crafts a subtle but consistent argument that there is no right or wrong
answer. In other words, life presents some unavoidable obstacles, but at the
same time, it is possible to “prevent the negatives throughout life with proper
structure. The essay demonstrates strong critical thinking in the initial body
paragraph by conceding that unfortunate circumstances can engender a feeling
of helplessness. The writer then employs a skillful transition between paragraphs
(Other people just so happen to have been fortunately raised in a better
environment. There is a way to overcome this) to pivot to a new idea (A prime
example of someone who had to overcome his negative surroundings would
be my father). Using an eective example of the writer’s own father, the essay
attempts to rebut the absolutism of Marino’s position with ample and appropriate
evidence of how an individual can overcome adversity. The essay concludes
by reiterating that there is much beyond our control (e.g., geography, social
environment, class), but the writer adds the thoughtful point that we still have
control over our bodies and how we apply ourselves. Use of language is skillful
throughout the response, with varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary (broken
homes, negligent parents, unsophisticated school systems) and sentences
which are varied and eective. Exhibiting clear and consistent mastery of
on-demand essay writing, this response earns a holistic score of 8.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
Purpose and Focus
This response shows a clear purpose and strong focus.
Organization and Structure
This response exhibits strong organization of ideas.
Development and Support
This essay is logically developed and well supported.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay demonstrates skillful control of sentence structure and style.
Mechanical Conventions
Control of mechanical conventions is strong.
Critical Thinking
This essay shows clear and reasoned analysis of the issue.
Sample Essay #2 – Score of 8
In her 2008 Harvard commencement speech, author J.K. Rowling invited recent
graduates to take responsibility for their own lives. Rowling argued that each
individual must ardently grab the steering wheel of her own le as soon as she
is able. Relying on parents, professors, or peers to give one’s life direction,
purpose, or structure is simply not an option.
I agree with Rowling’s assertion that we are all in charge of our own lives. The
complication arises, however, when we acknowledge that the materials we have
been given to lead those lives vary greatly from person to person. In keeping with
the car analogy, I may be driving a Toyota Corolla with 90,000 miles on it, while
another person may be careening through the world from the scooped seat of
a brand-new BMW. In other words, yes, we make our own choices, and we are
responsible for how we lead our lives, but each one of us makes those choices
and selects our paths within a framework which we cannot control.
Never is this clearer than in discussions of privilege. Axioms such as, “The rich
get richer and the poor get poorer,” highlight the idea that our circumstances
force us to start from dierent places. Oprah Winfrey, for instance, is so
fascinating to the American public because of her “rags to riches” story: a
young woman, born into poverty, who suered years of horric abuse from
relatives, who still managed to rise to stardom, acquire wealth, and weild power
with generosity and compassion. Still other public gures receive signicant
scrutiny for their lack of need to self-start. President George W. Bush was
frequently derided for his cushy upbringing, which led him to studies at Yale and
a presidency which, to some, seemed to result more from his family wealth and
political connections than from genuine preparedness for oce.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
Famous television personalities and politicans provide ample fodder for the
frustration many of us feel when faced with Rowling’s demand that we take the
wheels of our own lives, and yet the complex relationship between personal
responsibility and predetermined circumstance plays itself out in ordinary lives,
as well. Having recently chosen to return to school for another degree, I feel
emboldened and proud of this decision I am making. However, I also recognize
that the support of my parents in high schooldriving me to theater practice,
paying for my voice lessons, buying me as many books as I could read–and their
continued bolstering of me in college has laid the groundwork for my academic
success and condence. I could not have succeeded in high school, college, and
gradute school, and then considered more education, without their emotional
and nancial support.
In the end, we each write our own stories; we are in charge of the choices we
make. One eminent psychologist said it best when he claimed, “We do not have
control, but we do have choices.” We do not control so many things: the decade
we are born, the parents we go home with, the teachers who educate us. Yet we
do have choices. We choose the clothes we wear, regardless of each decade’s
fashion frenzies; we choose how we relate to our parents; we choose whether or
not to study for the myriad tests and quizzes that pepper our twenty-rst century
educations. The outcome of this venture called life will always, at least partially,
elude us, but as human beings, we have been given the gift of daily, personal
choice. To me, that makes all the dierence.
This response eectively and insightfully develops its point of view that we
are responsible for how we lead our lives, but each one of us makes those
choices and selects our paths within a framework which we cannot control.
Critical thinking and eective examples appear throughout the essay, but these
qualities are on full display in the second body paragraph. The writer skillfully
juxtaposes the inherited advantages of George W. Bush with the fortitude
of Oprah Winfrey in order to examine the interplay of privilege and personal
determination. The essay develops this idea even further in the next section,
acknowledging that ordinary lives also bear witness to the “complex relationship
between personal responsibility and predetermined circumstance. Focused on
its argument, the writing exhibits deliberate organization and clear coherence,
as Rowling’s ideas are used as a thread throughout the essay to respond to
the prompt’s complexity. The response is cohesive from start to nish, and its
strong conclusion provides a sense of completeness. An eective quotation
provides an appropriate response to the prompt’s ultimate question (We do not
have control, but we do have choices.). The writer follows this with well-chosen
examples of outside inuences beyond our control (fashion, parents, teachers)
and contrasts them with corresponding choices (We choose the clothes we
wear . . . how we relate to our parents . . . whether or not to study), demonstrating
eective reasoning and reinforcing the overall position. The use of language is
skillful, with a variety of eective sentence structures (However, I also recognize
that the support of my parents in high schooldriving me to theater practice,
paying for my voice lessons, buying me as many books as I could read–and their
continued bolstering of me in college has laid the groundwork for my academic
success and condence .....In the end, we each write our own stories; we are
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Guide with Sample Essays © 2021 College Board.
Continued from previous page
incharge of the choices we make). The writing features precise vocabulary that is
accurate and apt (ample fodder, bolstering, fashion frenzies). Exhibiting clear and
consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing, this response earns a holistic
score of 8.
Purpose and Focus
This response shows a clear purpose and strong focus.
Organization and Structure
The writer displays a strong ability to organize ideas.
Development and Support
This essay is logically developed and well supported.
Sentence Variety and Style
This essay demonstrates skillful control of sentence structure and style.
Mechanical Conventions
Control of mechanical conventions is strong.
Critical Thinking
This essay shows clear and reasoned analysis of the issue.